Hello Friends,
Hope all is well. If you visited this site before you know the importance I put on "feeling good." Feeling good puts you in a positive mind frame. It keeps all negative thoughts and feelings at bay.
Along with feeling good is feeling as though you already have what you desire in life. We often sabotage the manifestation process by asking for what we want but not truly believing that we can have it. These negative thoughts are what the Universe now responds to.
Act as if it is already yours...because it is. We tend to separate ourself from other people and things. We say that we will be happy when we have this or when we are in that relationship. If we have this way of thinking we will be on a continuous search. We will never discover our true desires because it will always be off in the distant future. And as we have discussed before, there is only ever right Now.
The following article gives us a great method to start manifesting the things and situations that we are wanting. Act as if it's yours and it will soon be at your door step. Many blessings, and thanks for listening.
Law Of Attraction Action Steps
Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?
A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:
Feel Good
Believe Your Desire
When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment you’re in vibrational resonance with everything you consider to be good. The new car, the cottage home, the new kitchen… its all stuff that would make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re already in alignment with it.
The other way of manifesting stuff is by believing it is already yours. When you expect something to happen or when you believe you already own it, that is when the Law of Attraction will really kick in with speed because you’re already completely aligned with your desire.
In this article I want to discuss one great method of aligning yourself so that you truly believe you’re going to experience it. And that is by taking action steps.
Let’s say that you have a desire to go on a vacation abroad. What are the action steps required to make that happen? Here’s the list that I would come up with:
Find prices on plane tickets
Locate a hotel or B&B
Book time off work
Organize a baby sitter
Exchange some spending money
These are just a few of the things that you’d need to do.
Even if you don’t have the money to buy the plane tickets, you should still be doing all of the above and making every single preparation possible. Why? Because you believe you’re going on that vacation.
There’s only one reason why you wouldn’t do all of the above steps. And that is if you doubted that you were going to experience that holiday.
Will the Law of Attraction yield it to you if you don’t believe you’re going on that holiday? NO!
Start making your action steps list of what you would be doing if you had already received your desire.
I read a story about a gentleman who was in a competition with his company he worked for. The competition was to receive a free BMW car. Everyone got a ticket and the winner was to be announced at a corporate event the company was holding.
The gentleman in question was practicing the Law of Attraction. He made every single effort to believe that he was already the owner of that car. He made vision boards, he visualized for hours every day, he used affirmations and did everything else he could think of to get himself into alignment with his desire.
On the day of the winner announcement he was so convinced that he had already won the BMW that he organized to leave his current car at home and traveled up in a taxi. That is how certain he was that he would be driving home in his new BMW.
The gentleman did win the car and was holding the winning ticket.
Are you prepared to do everything possible to win your BMW?
Law Of Attraction Action Steps
Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?
A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:
Feel Good
Believe Your Desire
When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment you’re in vibrational resonance with everything you consider to be good. The new car, the cottage home, the new kitchen… its all stuff that would make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re already in alignment with it.
The other way of manifesting stuff is by believing it is already yours. When you expect something to happen or when you believe you already own it, that is when the Law of Attraction will really kick in with speed because you’re already completely aligned with your desire.
In this article I want to discuss one great method of aligning yourself so that you truly believe you’re going to experience it. And that is by taking action steps.
Let’s say that you have a desire to go on a vacation abroad. What are the action steps required to make that happen? Here’s the list that I would come up with:
Find prices on plane tickets
Locate a hotel or B&B
Book time off work
Organize a baby sitter
Exchange some spending money
These are just a few of the things that you’d need to do.
Even if you don’t have the money to buy the plane tickets, you should still be doing all of the above and making every single preparation possible. Why? Because you believe you’re going on that vacation.
There’s only one reason why you wouldn’t do all of the above steps. And that is if you doubted that you were going to experience that holiday.
Will the Law of Attraction yield it to you if you don’t believe you’re going on that holiday? NO!
Start making your action steps list of what you would be doing if you had already received your desire.
I read a story about a gentleman who was in a competition with his company he worked for. The competition was to receive a free BMW car. Everyone got a ticket and the winner was to be announced at a corporate event the company was holding.
The gentleman in question was practicing the Law of Attraction. He made every single effort to believe that he was already the owner of that car. He made vision boards, he visualized for hours every day, he used affirmations and did everything else he could think of to get himself into alignment with his desire.
On the day of the winner announcement he was so convinced that he had already won the BMW that he organized to leave his current car at home and traveled up in a taxi. That is how certain he was that he would be driving home in his new BMW.
The gentleman did win the car and was holding the winning ticket.
Are you prepared to do everything possible to win your BMW?
By: Gary Evans
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Friday, May 30, 2008
Act As If It Is Already Yours(Because It Is)
Gary Evans,
Positive Thought,
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