Saturday, December 15, 2007

Clarity Begins The "Magic" Behind The Law Of Attraction

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. Calling Law Of Attraction(LOA) "magic" isn't necessarily bad as long as you understand how the "magic" trick works. People always tell me, "You can't get anything by just wishing for it." "Being positive isn't going to attract anything to you." "There is no such thing as "magic" when it comes to attracting "stuff" into your life." I always say, "You're absolutely correct."

A lot of people don't understand how to use LOA. People think that they could think about what they want, and poof, it should be there. When it doesn't show, they get frustrated and angry with LOA. Gaining clarity is the first step to getting what you want. Before you can have anything, you have to decide exactly what it is you want.

The problem is that most people say what they don't want. You have to turn that negativity into a positive. Knowing what you don't want is actually great. Now you can contrast that with what you do want. Every time you catch yourself saying, "I don't want this or that," ask yourself, "What do I want?" Now you can start to work on what you do want.

Take a look at this article. There are some good suggestion to help you apply the "magic" of LOA. Enjoy and thanks for listening.

Getting Crystal Clear Is Where The “magic” Of Attraction All Begins.

Kathy goes through the day with a smile on her face, and she simply radiates positive, upbeat, can-do energy. She’s “in the flow.” Good things continue to happen in her work and personal life with seeming effortlessness.

Contrast this with Lisa, who puts in twice as many hours at work—super-long, hard hours every day—yet rarely achieves what she’s striving so hard to create.

What’s the difference? Hint: It has to do with Kathy's ability to attract what she wants. However, this kind of attraction has nothing to do with looks.

Rather, it’s about Kathy’s ability to attract abundance by living in a way that’s in tune with her purpose, her passions, her most vital and alive self.

The law of attraction. It’s not just some woo-woo theory, it’s scientific: like matter attracts like. It’s similar to a radio broadcast: when tuned into a particular station, you will only hear (attract) the frequency of radio waves that match that station’s signal. And when that happens, everything seems easy, not a struggle.

“Once you change the way you are inside, the outer world changes,” writes Joe Vitale, author of the recent best selling book The Attractor Factor.

Vitale is one of dozens of authors who write persuasively on the subject, as is Sonia Choquette, author of Your Heart’s Desire: Creating the Life You Really Want. Most suggest the same key ingredients for attracting into your life what you want:

• Get clear on what you want and why. It’s not enough to know what you don’t want. You can’t get what you want until you know what that is! Getting crystal clear is where the “magic” of attraction all begins.

• Imagine it. See it as happening. “Conscious change is brought about by the two qualities inherent in consciousness: attention and intention,” writes Deepak Chopra. “Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life.”

• Keep yourself in good spirits. Exercise, eat healthily, play, relax. Stress, exhaustion, sluggishness, etc., can all interfere with attraction. In the radio station analogy, they become the “static” that interfere with the “frequencies” of that which you’re wanting to attract. Though taking a day off to relax rather than working frantically may seem as difficult as stepping off a cliff, it can be just what is needed.

• Listen to your intuitive mind. Attraction isn’t about sitting back and waiting for it all to come to you. Action is always required to meet goals and make dreams come true. Vitale writes: “Your job is to ask for what you want, and then to act on the inner nudges you get to do things, like make phone calls, write letters, visit a certain person, or whatever.” Don’t worry if your “nudges” don’t make immediate sense. The “why” will reveal itself later.

• Surrender yourself. This means to let go and trust. Let go of the particular way in which things will happen. Let go of fear, doubt, worry and disappointment. Let go of the notion of struggle. Trust that the outcome will be just right.

So whether it’s a job promotion, landing that huge client or starting a new work at home business, claim your dream. It’s yours if you want it!

By: Chris J. LeFevre

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