Friday, May 30, 2008

Act As If It Is Already Yours(Because It Is)

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. If you visited this site before you know the importance I put on "feeling good." Feeling good puts you in a positive mind frame. It keeps all negative thoughts and feelings at bay.

Along with feeling good is feeling as though you already have what you desire in life. We often sabotage the manifestation process by asking for what we want but not truly believing that we can have it. These negative thoughts are what the Universe now responds to.

Act as if it is already yours...because it is. We tend to separate ourself from other people and things. We say that we will be happy when we have this or when we are in that relationship. If we have this way of thinking we will be on a continuous search. We will never discover our true desires because it will always be off in the distant future. And as we have discussed before, there is only ever right Now.

The following article gives us a great method to start manifesting the things and situations that we are wanting. Act as if it's yours and it will soon be at your door step. Many blessings, and thanks for listening.

Law Of Attraction Action Steps

Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?

A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:

Feel Good
Believe Your Desire

When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment you’re in vibrational resonance with everything you consider to be good. The new car, the cottage home, the new kitchen… its all stuff that would make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re already in alignment with it.

The other way of manifesting stuff is by believing it is already yours. When you expect something to happen or when you believe you already own it, that is when the Law of Attraction will really kick in with speed because you’re already completely aligned with your desire.

In this article I want to discuss one great method of aligning yourself so that you truly believe you’re going to experience it. And that is by taking action steps.

Let’s say that you have a desire to go on a vacation abroad. What are the action steps required to make that happen? Here’s the list that I would come up with:

Find prices on plane tickets
Locate a hotel or B&B
Book time off work
Organize a baby sitter
Exchange some spending money

These are just a few of the things that you’d need to do.

Even if you don’t have the money to buy the plane tickets, you should still be doing all of the above and making every single preparation possible. Why? Because you believe you’re going on that vacation.

There’s only one reason why you wouldn’t do all of the above steps. And that is if you doubted that you were going to experience that holiday.

Will the Law of Attraction yield it to you if you don’t believe you’re going on that holiday? NO!

Start making your action steps list of what you would be doing if you had already received your desire.

I read a story about a gentleman who was in a competition with his company he worked for. The competition was to receive a free BMW car. Everyone got a ticket and the winner was to be announced at a corporate event the company was holding.

The gentleman in question was practicing the Law of Attraction. He made every single effort to believe that he was already the owner of that car. He made vision boards, he visualized for hours every day, he used affirmations and did everything else he could think of to get himself into alignment with his desire.

On the day of the winner announcement he was so convinced that he had already won the BMW that he organized to leave his current car at home and traveled up in a taxi. That is how certain he was that he would be driving home in his new BMW.

The gentleman did win the car and was holding the winning ticket.

Are you prepared to do everything possible to win your BMW?

Law Of Attraction Action Steps

Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?

A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:

Feel Good
Believe Your Desire

When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment you’re in vibrational resonance with everything you consider to be good. The new car, the cottage home, the new kitchen… its all stuff that would make you feel good, and when you feel good, you’re already in alignment with it.

The other way of manifesting stuff is by believing it is already yours. When you expect something to happen or when you believe you already own it, that is when the Law of Attraction will really kick in with speed because you’re already completely aligned with your desire.

In this article I want to discuss one great method of aligning yourself so that you truly believe you’re going to experience it. And that is by taking action steps.

Let’s say that you have a desire to go on a vacation abroad. What are the action steps required to make that happen? Here’s the list that I would come up with:

Find prices on plane tickets
Locate a hotel or B&B
Book time off work
Organize a baby sitter
Exchange some spending money

These are just a few of the things that you’d need to do.

Even if you don’t have the money to buy the plane tickets, you should still be doing all of the above and making every single preparation possible. Why? Because you believe you’re going on that vacation.

There’s only one reason why you wouldn’t do all of the above steps. And that is if you doubted that you were going to experience that holiday.

Will the Law of Attraction yield it to you if you don’t believe you’re going on that holiday? NO!

Start making your action steps list of what you would be doing if you had already received your desire.

I read a story about a gentleman who was in a competition with his company he worked for. The competition was to receive a free BMW car. Everyone got a ticket and the winner was to be announced at a corporate event the company was holding.

The gentleman in question was practicing the Law of Attraction. He made every single effort to believe that he was already the owner of that car. He made vision boards, he visualized for hours every day, he used affirmations and did everything else he could think of to get himself into alignment with his desire.

On the day of the winner announcement he was so convinced that he had already won the BMW that he organized to leave his current car at home and traveled up in a taxi. That is how certain he was that he would be driving home in his new BMW.

The gentleman did win the car and was holding the winning ticket.

Are you prepared to do everything possible to win your BMW?

By: Gary Evans

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

Manifesting Reality Isn't Hard Work After All.

Get your free report on manifesting miracles right now by visiting:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

An Exercise To Bring You Back To The Present

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. This article gives a great exercise to practice living in the now. Most of our problems stem from the fact that we don't live in the present moment. We make our decisions based on past experiences, or with feelings of anxiety when we look towards the future.

We have to remember that there is only ever the present moment. Every event is happening now. It doesn't happen in the past. It doesn't happen in the future. So why do we make our decisions in this way? Simple. It's easier.

The ego forms an identity and wants to hold onto that image at all cost. We start to hear the "voices" in our head when we start to make an important life change. The ego tells us that it's easier to do nothing than try something new. The ego keeps us in an enclosed box.

Try the following exercise outlined in this article. Begin to step outside the box. Make every event a new one. This is the way to live in the present. The ego doesn't like the present. So be in the "now" and your ego will have no choice but to disappear.

Enjoy the article and have a great day. Many blessings!

Manifestation Exercise # 7 - Eliminate The Negative Past And Get A Fresh Start

Imagine that you have this friend. Your best friend. A friend who has been through everything with you in life, all of your ups and downs.

Now at times you think this friend is great! Who would you be without this friend? There is just one little thing though about this friend that drives you crazy. He or she just lives to criticize you.

They remind you of every embarrassing thing you have ever done, every mistake that you have ever made. They can make you feel guilty, jealous, and angry like no one else on the planet can.

They tell you that you will never be more than you are now. That you should just be grateful for what you have because what makes you think that you are so special and entitled to anything more?

They tell you to get real. That you will never get that dream girl or guy, they are way out of your league. They say you will never get that promotion because you are just not smart enough.

On and on they go everyday telling you what you cannot be, have or do.

Now you might be thinking, who on Earth would want a friend like that?

The answer is you if you are still letting that pesky thing called Ego run your life. Read the above statements again and see if that "friend" sounds familiar to you.

We originally created the Ego to help us stay focused on our own unique experiences while on Earth. Because we are in fact All One, we needed a sort of tuner to help keep us focused on our own station and have a way to "tune out" all the other traffic out there. Otherwise we would just be hearing all the other gibberish from all the other parts of ourselves (the millions of other people on our planet right now).

The problem however began when we started giving that Ego too much power and mistakenly started to believe that the tuner was in fact our "identity". When we started to believe everything it told us was truth.

Our next mistake was in believing that everything that has happened up in our lives until today has now defined who we are going to be tomorrow. Another trick of that pesky Ego. It has now established our identity and it doesn't want to give it up easily. It likes itself just where it is. It feels safe and easy...even if you are miserable.

So now when you say "I'm going to lose weight and get in shape over the next few months" the Ego says "Uh. Uh, Uhhhh. No we are not. I am comfortable here. I don't like change. We have now established ourselves as a "slightly overweight person" and I don't feel comfortable changing that label." And then it goes into a whole bunch of reasons why you won't be able to do it. It will tell you things like "You've tried it a million times before and it's never worked so why even bother." Or "you're never going to find time to go to the gym a couple of times a week." or "Eating food that is good for you is boring" or any of the one million things it will try to come up with. I am sure you can fill in any blanks from your own pesky little voice.

So now...what do you do?

You need to shake that little sucker up. Throw it off its tracks. Shock the heck out of it!

How do you do this?

You focus on the moment of NOW!

You see, the Ego can only survive on the past. All of the criticism, guilt, negative talk and thoughts all stem from things that it has made connections with from your past.

If you choose to live in this NOW moment there is nothing for it to feed off of anymore.

You can be a new person as of this MOMENT. It does not matter a lick what happened in your childhood, or past relationships. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you have made or how many failures you have had. That is in the Past. It's over. There is nothing that can be done about any of that.

All that matters is right NOW. This moment. Right NOW you can be anything you want to be! And there is no one to tell you differently.

So what is the exercise?

Grab a pad or open a fresh page on your word processor.

Imagine that you just arrived on this Earth for the first time this morning.

You have absolutely no preconceived notions about anything.

Everything around you is fresh and new. You are amazed at all the unbelievable experiences you can have while you here on this planet. It is like the biggest playground you have ever seen!

Write down all your impressions. Even the smallest thing. Imagine you were writing someone "back home" and explaining all of the wonderful things down here on this planet there are to experience.

Tell them about the food! You discover there are at least 25 different places you can eat with hundreds of food choices within blocks of you. Tell them about the people! There are so many you can meet, have fun with, laugh with, share things with. Tell them about all the millions of ways people have to make money while they are here. Explain how you can't imagine anyone not being able to earn a fantastic living while here doing something they love because there are just so many options!

How about where you live? Explain how cool your house and apartment are. Explain about cell phones, televisions, computers, etc.

For the next few days keep acting like everything you see around you is brand new Everything is possible for you because "you have never tried them before".

And if that pesky ego tries to thwart your fun be sure to say to it "I don't know who you are or where you get your pessimistic ideas little fellow but I know that I am entitled to experience every good thing down here just be being here. So I think you better move on and find someone to tell your silly fantasies to.

You will be amazed at how differently you will see the world and all of your possibilities when you look at them with fresh eyes.

Happy Creating!

By: Janeen Clark

Article Directory:

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like to read more Manifestation Exercises that you could put into practice right now, please visit her website at or her daily blog at

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weathering The Storm Using Law Of Attraction

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. Here's a great article about weathering the storm by using The Law Of Attraction. When we use the Law of Attraction we expect everything to be perfect. We expect everything to run smoothly in our lives. This is not always the case. Life can be difficult if we allow it to be.

Take control of your life. Storms come and go. We are the ones that allow the dark clouds to linger over our heads. Step back. Take a moment to analyze the situation before making a bad decision. Don't blame others. Take responsibility for your life. When you do this, life becomes more enjoyable because you dictate what comes into your existence.

Enjoy the following article. Life is yours for you to create. Have fun with it. Thanks for listening, and many blessings!

Finding The 'Calm In The Storm' Through The Law Of Attraction

Whether you think you attracted it or not, sometimes a 'storm' can descend upon your life out of nowhere. Maybe a family crisis or maybe your financial status just took a shift that you did not expect. Everything around us is a reflection of our thoughts but sometimes you can't even imagine why this 'storm' has come into your life.

There are some things that you can do to help alleviate the stress of a crisis or life storm and it always comes back to your way of thinking and feeling through the crisis.

When in the middle of a stressful crisis or situation stand back for just a moment and take a deep breath. Taking a deep breath actually helps the body to get rid of some of the stress and it also tells your body that you are taking care of it. Once you have taken a deep breath, examine the problem from a different point of view. Step outside of yourself and observe the facts of the situation. Don't make any decisions or judgments about anyone; just observe the true nature of the situation.

At the same time, know that you really can't know every little detail of the situation. There are so many different perspectives of others that can taint the actual happening, whatever that may be. You may see it your way, another may see it another, and so on.

Once you have diffused the situation in your mind, start looking at what a good solution would be. Don't think of the problem itself but the solution to the situation. If it is something that you can do nothing about then the solution is to 'do nothing' but to stay serene and calm through the process. By staying calm and serene, you will not attract back to you what you originally were feeling.

Don't buy into the chaos of the situation.

Many people get all worked up over nothing (or even worked up over something) and chaos can begin to creep into the creation of your reality. You may be the only one who isn't running around panicking, but panic will do nothing for anyone except cause more panic. Find a quiet place within your 'inner' self and see clearly by focusing on the solution.

Take action. The Universe loves nothing more than when you have a solve in your mind and you take action. This shows the Universe that you really want an answer and a solve. Through this resolve you envision, you will find the Universe will bring it to you that much faster. What exactly does it mean to take action? Take action with whatever you can do, through calm and quiet, to get closer to a solve. If there is nothing that you can do, your action will be to take action to be calm and resolved through the situation or crisis.

Be aware of what you understand and are learning from a soul level; what is this stressful situation teaching you? We learn during positive moments in life but we also learn from the 'negative' moments in our lives. If you can find what you are learning during the actual event, it will dissipate much faster. Look inside yourself and see what you might be attracting and think about the thoughts or feelings you may have had that perhaps moved this situation toward you.

Learn from the moment, understand yourself through the moment, and then say to yourself, "I know I am learning and I understand Universe. Thank you for the opportunity." Know and trust that once you have a resolve that you envision, that the Universe will take care of it for you. Remember that if the stressful crisis 'seems' to get worse it's just a façade. The Universe is taking care of the situation and sometimes you do have to break a few eggs to make that omelet.

If you believe in the Universe and the Law of Attraction, you will get the solution that you want or better. The Universe will always provide as long as you provide the trust.

By taking action with the methods above, you really can have a 'calm' within the stressful storm and come out with a stronger, more serene inner self that understands everything as it happens, and knows you will come out the way you want it to through the Law of Attraction.

By: Beth McCain

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Beth and Lee are real people with real answers. For more information, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Signs Are All Around Us

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. I love when the Universe gives us signs reminding us that what we are wanting is on the way. I think I like the signs more that the actual manifestations of what it was I was wanting. Getting excited about the sign is way of giving thanks to the Universe. This excitement fuels the manifestation process.

The signs are all around us. We need to be sure that we are mindful enough to be aware of them. We often ask for "things", but when the Universe gives us a means to get there, we sometimes ignore, or are simply blind to these sign. When we miss these signs it means that we are not properly aligned with the Universe.

Remember this. ASK, ANSWER, RECEIVE.

Ask for what you want. The Universe will always Answer. Then be ready to Receive. It is the receiving that is sometimes the hardest. We may not feel ready to act. We may not believe that we have the ability to act. This way of thinking is a waste of time. The Universe has lined everything up for you. When the opportunity is there. Grab it!

The following is another excellent article from Beth McCain. Heed the signs in your life and you will start to see amazing events unfold before your very eyes. Thanks for listening, and many blessings!

Law Of Attraction: The Use And Meaning Of Signs From The Universe

Ever since I began studying and applying the Law of Attraction, I have always received signs from the Universe. Some are signs of encouragement or inspiration and some are signs to act upon.

Some ask if it is a lack of faith in the Universe if you ask for a sign of encouragement. The answer really depends on how you look at it, but from my point of view I believe signs are here to give us encouragement just like you would give your child praise and encouragement. Encouragement in the form of signs serves as a catalyst to do more and be more.

Signs of encouragement or inspiration send your heart to new heights: You wonder how something is going to work out and you receive a clear sign from the Universe that it will. When I first began practicing the Law of Attraction, I was a professional costume designer. I was unsure of how I was going to make money at it, but I knew at the time that this was what I wanted to do. I kept my focus on costume designing and would look through magazines and sketch out costumes that I would love to make.

I started to specialize in the old time look of Judy Garland and Shirley Temple. I devised a plan to make children's costumes that were old fashioned; glorious fairy costumes, skunks, Little Rascals, and of course Shirley Temple. I wasn't sure what would sell well and I asked the Universe for a sign. I had to make at least twenty copies of one costume to sell at an industry show. I didn't receive what anyone would call a blatant sign telling me what to do. I stepped back and just released it into the Universe and thanked the Universe for the sign.

One day as I was picking up fabrics, I parked next to a car with the license plate that read, 'Shrlyrcks.' "Wow!" I thought to myself, "I think that is my sign!" I was so excited that this was leading me in the direction I needed to go. I went into the fabric store and the fabric needed for a Shirley Temple costume was 75% off, today only! Boom! Boom! Two signs in a row! These kinds of signs take your heart to a new level. You feel so taken care of when you have blatant signs. So I designed the costumes and sold every last one of them at the show and took many orders home with me. Just remember to expect the signs and thank the Universe in advance for the signs and the subsequent manifestation of what you have been attaining.

You can also have the kind of sign from the Universe that says, "Here's your sign! It's your time for your light to shine! Act on it!" This kind of sign can be unnerving if you aren't used to 'acting upon' something, but it's best if you do because the Universe lined up the situations and people for this moment for you to help attain the life and wants that you desire.

My husband, Lee, has had many of these in his life time. One of the early signs was when he was a young man wanting to go to sea. He would sit at the union hall for weeks on end in hopes of catching a ship. Many of the old sailors laughed up their sleeves at this young buck waiting to catch a ship. Seniority always got the ships and the newbies usually didn't. It was closing time in the union hall and everyone was leaving. It wasn't quite time to leave but it was five minutes away from the door being locked. Lee said it just hit him. He had to go to the restroom and couldn't wait. Everyone left as Lee went to the restroom before leaving. Then something in Lee whispered, "Stay right here until the very end!" Lee listened to the Universe and one minute before closing a ship came in needing crew. The man at the counter called for seniority and no one was there but Lee. The same Universal voice whispered, "Get your bags and walk up to the counter NOW!" Lee acted and he caught the ship. It was a miracle that it happened but Lee focused on his intention and acted upon the sign from the Universe. Lee listened and was aware and acted upon his sign of going to the restroom before leaving.

These are just a few examples of how signs can come to you. Be aware but not impatient when wanting a sign. Ask and then let it go and just be prepared for the moment because it will come.

If you wonder if the Universe gave you sign, this is a true moment that if you had to ask, it is a sign.

Can you ask the Universe for a sign and get one instantly? You sure can. If you feel like you want inspiration or encouragement, let the Universe know that you are going to pick up a book and ask for a sign in the passage. It doesn't matter what book. Close your eyes, ask your question, or ask for a sign, and visualize that your physical is stepping aside for a moment while your higher self or Core Being as we call it, opens the book to the sign that is for you. Point to a spot and read. You will find that there will be words that are just for you via the Universe.

Follow your signs and the Law of Attraction and you will have the life you want in no time.

By: Beth McCain

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Beth and Lee are real people with real answers. For more information, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Can I Change Someone Using The Law Of Attraction?

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. "We must become the change we want to see in the world"(Gandhi). Can we change people into what they want them to be? This is a question that comes up a lot when individuals are practicing the Law Of Attraction.

Gandhi urges us to be the change that we want to see in our world. The following article agrees with this position. Don't change the person. Change how you view the person. This leads to a change that will be beneficial for you and the person who may be causing an uncomfortable situation.

Start applying this advice immediately in your life. Soon your surroundings will be more in alignment with what you are truly wanting in life. Have a great day applying this principle and thanks for listening. Blessings!

Changing Someone Else With The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction can help you to attain everything that you desire through emotion, thoughts, and focus. If you can attain anything, is it possible to change another person through your ability to apply the Law of Attraction intentionally?

You can change another person through your own perceptions while applying the Law of Attraction. For example, if you are having problems with a co-worker who is rude and represents all your good ideas as his, you'll likely decide that you just want to change him so that work will be enjoyable.

First thing that you want to remember is that every person who crosses your path is a reflection of your own thoughts. This co-worker came into your life because the Universe aligned your thoughts, emotions, and focus of what you have been concentrating on, whether it is a present thought or a past thought. You don't have to find the exact moment or know why this physical manifestation of the coworker came about; just realize that something has to change within you so that you don't repeat this kind of manifestation.

Visualizing that this person is nice and easy to get along won't solve the problem. You are trying to change another person and unless you have a magic wand that changes personalities just for your benefit, you'll have to take a different approach. Instead of changing this person, change your perception of this person and then visualize it.

Let's take this a step further.

When you go into the visualization mode of what you want, don’t concentrate on the problem of the co-worker, concentrate on the perfect solution that you would like to have. Concentrate on solving the problem. Visualize that you are at work and you are getting along with your co-worker. You work on projects together, you enjoy each other's company, and you see this all in the now.

Focus on the good that can come out of you and the co-worker working together. When you head to work the next day, don't react to any of the co-worker's sneaky antics. Keep the image you have, focusing on your solution. When you react and get upset (on the outside or inside), you are putting attention and focus to the 'don’t want.' If you can't get the image of the solution while the incident is happening then just stay in a middle area of emotion. Don’t expel any energy and feed your fire; that will cause the Universe to bring you the same through the Law of Attraction.

One of two things will happen, either the co-worker will begin to see the error of his ways and make a complete turnaround, and even possibly become a good friend. OR he may leave the picture completely. Your co-worker has to be aligning at the same rate of vibration as you. Everyone in your world that you have created does just that. If he is supposed to remain in your creation, he will change. But if he can't vibrate at your level, he will leave your world. When you focus on a clear solution and know that it is going to happen, and don't put any energy toward the negative co-worker situation, the Universe will bring you what you are focusing on no matter what. It’s the Law of Attraction and it doesn't play favorites; it's a continual law of the Universe. Focus and concentrate in the now with the feeling of wonderment and joy and you will receive just that.

Whatever you are changing through the Law of Attraction will come exactly as you envisioned… or better. The Universe knows exactly what will work. Focus on the joy of mutual kindness and cooperation with any person or circumstance and you will be successful in changing your perception of another through the Law of Attraction.

By: Beth McCain

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Beth and Lee are real people with real answers. For more information, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Thursday, May 8, 2008

3 Exercises To Help Apply Law Of Attraction

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. When some people hear about Law Of Attraction, they get excited and feel that the have found the "secret" to all existence. And they're are right. However, they may quickly become frustrated when the things that are wanting don't show up. They don't realize that it takes a whole shift in thinking(Some would say un-thinking). One must be ready to change their life and the activities. Some resist this change because it's unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable.

Applying the Law Of Attraction means being appreciative for everything that you already have. It means not following a positive thought with a negative one. It means being present enough to recognize that the Universe is giving you what you want. It may not come in the way that you are expecting, but the Universe always knows the fastest and best way for you to receive your intentions.

The following article gives us some great tips to keep us on track during the manifestation process. Use the exercises in your daily routine. As you practice, applying the Law Of Attraction towards your intentions, these way of thinking will become natural for you. Practice, practice, practice. That's all it is. Many blessings and thanks for listening.

Three Law Of Attraction Tips

Here are three Law of Attraction tips for you so you can start seeing more abundance in your life starting today.

The Universe Likes Speed – When utilizing the Law of Attraction do not hesitate when you feel inspired to do something. Hesitating gives your thoughts the time to change how you feel about it and will inevitably talk you out of doing the inspired action.

When the inspiration is there, ACT on it.

When you feel the impulse to go and speak to someone, do it.
If you get an idea that feels so right inside of you, you must follow it and pursue it.

The two other Law of Attraction tips are… Love Yourself and Feel Good. These are both similar yet both play important and individual roles in making the Law of Attraction work for you.

Love Yourself – Love is the most powerful emotion that you can experience. Some people say that love is all we are here for and is the emotion that we should experience in every second of our lives. Whatever your beliefs around love, in order to bring abundance into your life, you must first love yourself completely.

If you don’t like yourself, why do you think the Law of Attraction will yield you anything? It responds to your vibration that you send out, and so if you don’t love yourself, then the universe won’t send you any love either. It matches like thoughts with like thoughts.

Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how much you love YOU. Even if you don’t believe it, keep doing this every morning and use it like an affirmation. You’ll find that the more you say it, the more you actually believe it.

And last but not least, the final Law of Attraction tip:

Feel Good – Instead of sitting around in a cave, meditating all day long, if you can get yourself into a feeling place where you feel good, in that moment you’ll be in alignment with everything that you want. Whether it be a new relationship, a new car or more money. When you feel good, everything you consider to be good is in alignment with you and will be attracted to you. Yes! You really can have fun all day, not think once about money or relationships and you will see manifestations pop up into your life.

The problem is, most humans hold their heads down and feel miserable for themselves. They don’t allow themselves to feel good all day long. Why not break that habit, and see what happens when you feel good for an entire day!

So there you have it. Three Law of Attraction tips that will see your results sky rocket out of control.

By: Gary Evans

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

Manifesting Reality Isn't Hard Work After All.

Get your free report on manifesting miracles right now by visiting:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thank You For The Gift Of Abundance

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well. THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT OF ABUNDANCE! This is the first thing I say when I get up in the morning. It reminds me that I have a lot to be thankful for. I probably end up saying this at least twenty times a day.

If I find a penny on the ground..."Thank you for the gift of abundance." When someone offers to buy me lunch..."Thank you for the gift of abundance." If someone smiles at me and it gives me a warm feeling..."Thank you for the gift of abundance." I try to say this in every situation that I'm in.

Once we decide to be thankful and recognize all the abundance that is around us, the Universe will give us more abundance to be thankful for. When I see some drive by in a Rolls Royce, I am thankful. I know that, if it were my desire to have a Rolls Royce, I could have it too. Some people become jealous or critical of someone in a Rolls Royce. They say that the rich are greedy and self-centered. I choose to think of their wealth as my wealth. I just need to find my avenue towards that wealth.

Don't complain about what you don't have. Don't complain about what other people have. Both mindsets lead to feelings of lack. When you think like this, no matter how much you get, it will never be enough. Appreciate what is right i front of you. Take time to just sit and listen to nature. The Universe has provided everything that we need to be happy.

Here's an excellent article that gives us a great exercise to get into the mindset of abundant thinking. You are full of abundance. Be thankful and more abundance will be revealed to you. Many blessings and thanks for listening.

Law Of Attraction: Technique In Abundant Manifesting

Convincing your logical mind that you can have anything that you desire (and in abundance) can actually keep you from manifesting what you want to attain in your life. Here's a technique to teach the logical mind that you can have abundance in any area of your life, and with no limits.

Find a quiet spot where you can do some good old fashioned contemplating; just you, and a place far away from the busyness of life. Get yourself into a comfortable position and begin to think about how abundant this world really is.

There is a difference between positive abundance thinking and negative abundance thinking. When you think positive abundance, you are thinking about the world and what it is abundant in. Take a look at nature. Take a look at the sky. The Universe supplies abundantly. The sky is abundant. Think of all the birds that are in the sky; abundance. Think of the grass and how abundantly it grows. Think about all the money in the world and how much abundance there is. Think about the water that you drink each day and how abundant the water flows. This is positive abundance thinking.

Negative abundance thinking is drinking a fresh, sparkling clean drink of water while contemplating how one day there won't be water, looking at the limitless sky while concentrating on how abundant the smog is, seeing the birds in the sky just knowing how many birds will be extinct because of the pollution in the world today, or the abundance of cars and all their harmful rotten emissions.

Do you see the difference? Both represent abundant thought.

Contemplate all of the positive abundance that is around you. While you are sitting in your quiet spot, think of the abundance in the world. The logical mind will see and listen while you contemplate. It will begin to see the abundance that the Universe creates and will recognize that you are a part of this incredible abundant world.

I have a spot where I sit that overlooks a lush meadow, complete with the sound of running water. Everything that I see is in excess. There is green grass that seems to go on forever, there is water that is abundantly running through the creek bed, all of the plants that surround the creek bed and grow so wild and abundantly, all the different species of birds eating from the bird feeders, all of the trees that crowd together because of the abundant soil, the sky that is truly limitless, the 13 deer that stroll across the meadow (and those are the ones I can see; there are many more in the woods), and the list goes on and on.

Teaching your logical mind to focus on the abundance in the world will begin to help you attain your desires. When you see and feel abundance everywhere, the Universe will bring you more to feel abundant about. Do this exercise as often as possible. As you go through your day think of the positive abundance that is in the world.

When you have a dollar bill, think about how many dollar bills and how much money is in the world. When you are eating an ice cream cone and enjoying it, think about the abundance of joy that ice cream brings to so many people. Begin to look at everything through the eyes of positive abundance and it will change your life. When you begin to focus on positive abundance instead of negative abundance, you will direct your life toward the abundance of good that comes from the Universe and the Law of Attraction. Now that is abundant!

By: Beth McCain

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Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Beth and Lee are real people with real answers. For more information, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site